The new Facebook Admin Panel is not that different than your previous Admin Panel but it is way better.
Facebook Admin Features
The first you’re going to notice is that people can send messages to your Fan Page now. Before your Fan page is just all alone by itself but now you can send messages to other people’s Fan Page and they can send one to you and you get all the messages just right here.
So you can have a conversation with your fans. Especially if you’re a business or if one of your clients is a business that has a Fan Page and they can interact with their clients, that is amazing. That is off the chart amazing.
The Notifications, the New Likes, and the Insights are all in front of you. Another thing you can do is Hide the Admin Panel and just see the Fan Page and the open up the Admin Panel and then everything is there.
Manage your Facebook Business Page
If you’re wondering where everything went from the old Fan Pages the old style where they had all the permission, the resource and everything. That’s right under Manage.
If you go to manage and click Edit Page, that’s going to take you to the old style backend where you can have your Featured, Resources, so this is where you get your like box and invite email contacts, use your social plug-ins and Advertise on Facebook. You can actually do everything that you could before.
Build Audience
You can invite email contacts, Invite friends, you can share your Page, and create an Ad right from your admin panel that’s right above you actual Fan Page.
Ban Users
Another thing you can do is that you can ban users. If you’ve had like kind of hacklers in your Fan Page and it happens sometimes when you get spammers, you can ban those people. You can ban people from posting in your wall which is almost worth the price of admission right there.