witches falls walking track

Witches Falls Walking Track

Discovering Witches Falls Walking Track

There’s no better way to appreciate the stunning beauty of the Australian landscape than embarking on a journey along the Witches Falls Walking Track. Located on the serene Tamborine Mountain, this captivating trail is an ideal spot for nature lovers, hikers, and picnic enthusiasts alike.

Witches Falls Walking Track isn’t just about the hike itself, but the rewarding experience of being surrounded by the magnificent rainforest and wonders of nature. The path winds through lush rainforests and rocky outcrops, leading you to the breathtaking Witches Falls. Every moment on the track is an opportunity to snap a photo, observe wildlife, or simply bask in the serenity of the environment.

witches falls walking track

Witches Falls Walking Track, located in Tamborine National Park in Queensland, Australia, is a captivating hiking trail that offers a blend of natural beauty, diverse ecosystems, and rich cultural history. This trail invites visitors to explore lush rainforests, seasonal waterfalls, and scenic viewpoints, making it a must-visit destination for nature enthusiasts and hikers.

Key Features

  1. Lush Rainforest:
    • The trail begins in a dense subtropical rainforest, characterized by towering trees, vibrant ferns, and a rich variety of native plants. The forest canopy provides ample shade, creating a cool and serene environment for hikers.
  2. Eucalyptus Woodlands:
    • As you progress along the track, the scenery transitions from rainforest to open eucalyptus woodlands. This change in landscape highlights the diverse ecosystems present within the park and offers a different perspective on the region’s natural beauty.
  3. Seasonal Waterfalls:
    • The Witches Falls themselves are a highlight of the track. These waterfalls are most spectacular after periods of rain, when water cascades down the rocky cliffs, creating a stunning visual display. During drier times, the rock formations and surrounding flora remain an intriguing sight.
  4. Rich Birdlife:
    • Birdwatchers will be delighted by the variety of bird species that inhabit the area. Keep an eye out for colorful parrots, lyrebirds, and other native birds as you walk along the trail.
  5. Panoramic Views:
    • Certain sections of the trail offer breathtaking views of the surrounding valleys and distant mountains. These vantage points are perfect for taking a break and appreciating the expansive natural landscape.
  6. Historical Significance:
    • Witches Falls was declared Queensland’s first national park in 1908, marking the beginning of the state’s conservation efforts. The walking track provides a glimpse into the natural and cultural history of the Tamborine Mountain region.
witches falls walking track

Practical Information About Witches Falls Walking Track

Getting There

  • Location: Tamborine National Park, Tamborine Mountain, Queensland, Australia.
  • Entry Point: The track starts near the Witches Falls picnic area, which is accessible from Main Western Road (Tamborine Mountain Road).
  • Parking: Available at the Witches Falls picnic area.

Track Details

  • Track Length: Approximately 3.1 kilometers (loop track).
  • Walking Time: About 1 to 1.5 hours, depending on your pace and stops.
  • Difficulty Level: Moderate. The track has some steep sections and uneven terrain.
  • Opening Hours: The park is open 24 hours a day, but it is best to walk during daylight hours for safety.


  • Picnic Area: The starting point has picnic tables, BBQ facilities, and toilets.
  • Water: There are no water fountains along the track, so bring sufficient water.

Safety and Preparation

  • Footwear: Wear sturdy, comfortable walking shoes or hiking boots.
  • Weather: Check the weather forecast before heading out. The trail can become slippery after rain.
  • Supplies: Bring water, snacks, a hat, sunscreen, and insect repellent.
  • Mobile Reception: Mobile phone reception can be patchy, so let someone know your plans before you go.
  • First Aid: Carry a basic first aid kit in case of minor injuries.

What to Expect

  • Flora and Fauna: Expect to see a variety of plant species, including subtropical rainforest trees and eucalyptus. Birdwatchers can enjoy spotting various native birds.
  • Waterfalls: The Witches Falls are a seasonal feature, best seen after rain.
  • Views: There are several lookout points with panoramic views of the surrounding landscape.


  • Stay on the Path: To protect the environment and for your safety, stick to the designated walking track.
  • No Littering: Take all rubbish with you to preserve the park’s natural beauty.
  • Wildlife: Do not feed or disturb wildlife. Observe animals from a distance.

Nearby Attractions

Exploring the Witches Falls Walking Track offers a blend of natural beauty, peacefulness, and a touch of adventure, making it a worthwhile visit for nature lovers and hikers alike.

witches falls walking track

Journey Along the Witches Falls Route

Embarking on the Witches Falls Walking Track in Tamborine National Park is a journey through one of Queensland’s most beautiful and diverse natural landscapes. This approximately 3.1-kilometer loop trail offers hikers a chance to experience lush rainforests, seasonal waterfalls, and panoramic views. Here’s a detailed guide to help you make the most of your adventure along this enchanting route.

Starting Point: Witches Falls Picnic Area

  • Location: The walk begins at the Witches Falls picnic area, accessible from Main Western Road (Tamborine Mountain Road).
  • Facilities: The picnic area is equipped with tables, BBQ facilities, and toilets, making it an ideal spot to start or end your hike.

Initial Descent into the Rainforest

  • Trailhead: The trailhead is well-marked near the picnic area. As you begin your journey, you’ll descend into the lush subtropical rainforest.
  • Flora: The descent is steep but manageable, surrounded by towering trees, ferns, and a variety of native plants. The dense canopy overhead provides ample shade, creating a cool and inviting environment.

Walking Through the Rainforest

  • Trail Conditions: The path is well-maintained but can be uneven and slippery, especially after rain. Sturdy footwear is recommended.
  • Points of Interest: Along the way, you’ll encounter interpretive signs providing information about the local flora and fauna, enhancing your understanding and appreciation of the rainforest ecosystem.

Arriving at Witches Falls

  • Seasonal Waterfall: After approximately 1 kilometer, you’ll reach the Witches Falls. These falls are most spectacular after periods of rain when water cascades down the rocky cliffs.
  • Scenic Beauty: Even during drier periods, the rock formations and the surrounding rainforest create a serene and picturesque setting.
  • Photo Opportunity: This is an excellent spot for photography, capturing the beauty of the falls and the lush greenery.

Transition to Eucalyptus Woodland

  • Changing Landscape: As you continue, the trail transitions from dense rainforest to more open eucalyptus woodlands. This shift in landscape offers a different perspective and showcases the park’s ecological diversity.
  • Wildlife: Keep an eye out for wildlife, including birds and small mammals that inhabit this area. Birdwatchers will enjoy spotting various native species, such as colorful parrots and the elusive lyrebird.

Scenic Lookouts

  • Panoramic Views: Certain sections of the trail provide stunning views of the surrounding valleys and distant mountains. These lookout points are perfect for taking a break and enjoying the natural beauty.
  • Rest Spots: Benches and resting spots are strategically placed along the trail, offering opportunities to relax and soak in the scenery.

Completing the Loop

  • Return Ascent: The final part of the loop involves a gentle ascent back toward the starting point. This section of the trail continues through eucalyptus woodland and gradually returns to the denser rainforest near the trailhead.
  • Track Length and Time: The entire loop is approximately 3.1 kilometers and typically takes about 1 to 1.5 hours to complete, depending on your pace and the number of stops you make to enjoy the sights.
witches falls walking track

The Wonders of Witches Falls Mountain

Witches Falls Mountain, located within Tamborine National Park in Queensland, Australia, is a natural treasure trove that offers visitors a chance to immerse themselves in a rich tapestry of landscapes, biodiversity, and cultural history. Here are some of the wonders that make this area a must-visit destination:

Natural Beauty and Biodiversity

  1. Subtropical Rainforest
    • Lush Vegetation: The mountain is home to a dense subtropical rainforest, characterized by towering trees, ferns, and a diverse array of plants. The cool, shaded canopy provides a refreshing environment for exploration.
    • Flora: Unique plant species, including rare orchids and ancient trees, thrive here, creating a vibrant and diverse ecosystem.
  2. Seasonal Waterfalls
    • Witches Falls: These falls are the main attraction, especially spectacular after rainfall. Water cascades down the rocky cliffs, creating a serene and picturesque scene.
    • Creeks and Streams: The area is crisscrossed by creeks and streams that add to the tranquil atmosphere, particularly Sandy Creek, which flows through several sections of the park.
  3. Eucalyptus Woodlands
    • Contrasting Landscapes: The transition from rainforest to open eucalyptus woodlands showcases the ecological diversity of the mountain.
    • Wildlife Habitat: These woodlands provide habitat for various wildlife, including koalas and numerous bird species.

Geological Features

  1. Volcanic Origins
    • Ancient Volcano: Witches Falls Mountain is part of the ancient Tweed Volcano system, which has shaped the landscape over millions of years.
    • Basalt Columns: Volcanic activity has resulted in fascinating geological formations, including basalt columns and cliffs.
  2. Rock Formations
    • Natural Sculptures: The unique rock formations, sculpted by natural forces, add to the rugged beauty of the area and provide insight into its geological history.

Scenic Views

  1. Panoramic Lookouts
    • Breathtaking Vistas: Various points along the trails offer panoramic views of the surrounding valleys, distant mountains, and the Gold Coast hinterland.
    • Sunrise and Sunset: The lookouts are perfect for witnessing the spectacular colors of sunrise and sunset, casting a golden glow over the landscape.

Recreational Opportunities

  1. Hiking and Walking
    • Witches Falls Walking Track: A 3.1-kilometer loop trail that takes you through diverse environments, including rainforests and woodlands, and past the seasonal Witches Falls.
    • Other Trails: Nearby trails, such as those leading to Cedar Creek Falls and Curtis Falls, provide additional hiking opportunities.
  2. Birdwatching
    • Rich Birdlife: The mountain is a haven for birdwatchers, with opportunities to spot various native birds, including parrots, lyrebirds, and owls.
    • Bird Watching Tips: Early mornings and late afternoons are the best times for birdwatching.
  3. Picnicking
    • Picnic Areas: The Witches Falls picnic area, equipped with tables and BBQ facilities, is a perfect spot for a relaxing meal amidst nature.
    • Scenic Spots: Several scenic spots along the trails are ideal for a peaceful picnic.

Historical and Cultural Significance

  1. Aboriginal Heritage
    • Cultural Importance: The area holds significant cultural importance for the local Aboriginal communities, particularly the Wangerriburra people, who use it for ceremonies and as a source of food and medicinal plants.
    • Educational Insights: Interpretive signs along the trails provide information about the cultural history and traditional uses of the land.
  2. First National Park in Queensland
    • Historical Milestone: Witches Falls was declared Queensland’s first national park in 1908, marking a pivotal moment in the state’s conservation efforts.
    • Conservation Legacy: The establishment of the national park has helped protect the area’s unique ecosystems and biodiversity for future generations.
 witches falls walking track

Nearby Attractions Along Witches Falls Walking Track

Exploring the area around Witches Falls Walking Track reveals several other beautiful waterfalls and creeks within Tamborine National Park. Here are some notable falls and creeks you can visit:

Cedar Creek Falls

  1. Location: Located in the Cedar Creek section of Tamborine National Park.
  2. Features:
    • Cascading Waterfalls: Cedar Creek Falls features a series of cascades and rock pools, making it a popular spot for swimming and picnicking.
    • Scenic Views: The falls are surrounded by cedar trees, and lush vegetation, providing a picturesque setting for visitors.
  3. Accessibility: Easily accessible via a short walking track from the car park. The trail is well-maintained and suitable for most visitors.

Curtis Falls

  1. Location: Located in the Joalah section of Tamborine National Park.
  2. Features:
    • Rainforest Setting: Curtis Falls is nestled within a dense rainforest, offering a cool, shaded environment.
    • Waterfall and Pool: The falls drop into a rock pool below, surrounded by basalt columns and lush greenery.
  3. Accessibility: Accessible via a 1.1-kilometer return walk from the car park. The track includes some steps and is moderately easy.

Cameron Falls

  1. Location: Located in the Knoll section of Tamborine National Park.
  2. Features:
    • Elevated Viewpoints: Cameron Falls can be viewed from an elevated lookout, offering a panoramic view of the waterfall and the valley below.
    • Seasonal Flow: Best visited after rainfall when the waterfall is at its most impressive.
  3. Accessibility: Accessible via a 2.6-kilometer return walk from the car park. The track is relatively easy with some gentle slopes.

Sandy Creek

  1. Location: Flows through several sections of Tamborine National Park, including the Palm Grove and Joalah sections.
  2. Features:
    • Tranquil Setting: Sandy Creek meanders through rainforest and eucalypt forests, providing a peaceful and serene environment.
    • Wildlife Spotting: The creek is a good spot for observing local wildlife, including birds and small mammals.
  3. Accessibility: Various tracks intersect with Sandy Creek, making it accessible from multiple points within the park.

Picnic Rock and Rockpools

  1. Location: Near the Cedar Creek Falls.
  2. Features:
    • Natural Rockpools: Picnic Rock is known for its series of rock pools, perfect for cooling off on a hot day.
    • Scenic Surroundings: The area is surrounded by eucalypt forest and offers a tranquil setting for picnics and relaxation.
  3. Accessibility: Accessible via a short walk from the Cedar Creek Falls car park. The track is well-marked and suitable for families.
witches falls walking track

Tips for Exploring Waterfalls and Creeks

  1. Safety: Exercise caution when swimming in rock pools or walking on wet rocks, as they can be slippery. Always check for depth and hidden obstacles before jumping into the water.
  2. Weather: Waterfalls are most spectacular after rainfall, but tracks can be slippery. Check the weather forecast and wear appropriate footwear.
  3. Respect Nature: Stick to designated paths, take your rubbish with you, and avoid disturbing wildlife.
  4. Amenities: Some locations have picnic areas and toilets, but it’s a good idea to bring your own water and snacks.

Visiting the falls and creeks around Witches Falls Walking Track provides a rich and varied experience of Tamborine National Park’s natural beauty. Each site offers its own unique charm and is worth exploring for a complete appreciation of the park’s diverse landscapes.